Is Heat Actually Good for Sore Muscles?
A hot tub or a sauna after a hard workout can be amazing. But is it as healthy as it feels?
A consistent supporter of adaptive CrossFit, Amy West MD, EdM, CF-L2 was recently quoted in the New York Times regarding the use of heat and its application for treating sore muscles.Â
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Why does heat feel so good on sore muscles?When you warm up a portion of your body with, say, a heating pad, your blood vessels relax, increasing blood flow to the area. With that increased blood flow come more oxygen and nutrients that can help heal your tissue, said Dr. Amy West, a rehabilitation specialist at NorthWell Health, a health care network in the New York area.
Heat also leads to chemical changes, such as lowering levels of cortisol in the blood.
Instagram: @amywestmd
Physical therapy, sports medicine, exercise medicine, functional movement, Dr. Amy West, pain management, chronic pain, rehabilitation, mobility, athletes, physical therapist.