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Josh Young Using a Ski Erg at the 2022 WheelWOD Games Nicky holding his chair steady

From Injury to Inspiration: Josh Young and Nicky McDougall Conquer the Road to the Adaptive CrossFit Games

From Australia With Love?

Josh Young

Eltham, Australia - The CrossFit community is renowned for its unwavering spirit and unwavering support for its members, especially those facing immense challenges. This unwavering spirit is embodied by Josh Young, an athlete from CrossFit Diamond Valley in Eltham, Australia, and his coach, Nicky McDougall. Together, they're tackling the upcoming Adaptive CrossFit Games by WheelWOD, held in San Antonio, Texas (September 19-22, 2024).

Josh's journey to the Adaptive CrossFit Games began in 2017 when a mountain biking accident left him paralyzed. As Mikaela Ortolan of Melbourne, VIC, reported, Josh recounted, "I came off over a jump and just unfortunately landed in a way that broke my T12 vertebra and suffered a spinal cord injury. From the instant I hit the ground, I was paralyzed."

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ABC News Australia

This life-altering event could have easily broken Josh's spirit. However, with the unwavering support of his wife (who was pregnant with their first child) and his CrossFit family, Josh embarked on a remarkable path towards recovery and rediscovering his passion for fitness.

Enter Nicky McDougall, the head coach and owner of CrossFit Diamond Valley. Known for her infectious humor, coaching expertise, and unwavering support, Nicky has become an integral part of Josh's journey. Together, they've transformed a devastating accident into a story of resilience and determination.

CrossFit Diamond Valley

A Longstanding Partnership Takes Center Stage

Equip Products, a longtime supporter of adaptive athletes, shares the excitement surrounding Josh and Nicky's journey. "We've had the privilege of watching Josh compete for years," says Equip Products. "It all started in 2018, back in Collinwood, Ontario, Canada, at the WheelWOD Games. Even then, his determination and positive attitude were truly inspiring."

Since that initial competition in 2018, Josh has consistently pushed his limits and honed his skills at the Adaptive CrossFit Games. Each year, Equip Products has witnessed his unwavering spirit and Nicky's exceptional coaching expertise.

More Than Just a Competition

Josh and Nicky's story transcends the competition itself. It exemplifies the power of the CrossFit community and its ability to foster inclusivity, support, and a shared passion for fitness. It's a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome adversity and find strength in unexpected places. As Josh prepares to take on the Adaptive CrossFit Games stage, his story serves as an inspiration to others facing challenges, urging them to find their own paths to fitness and well-being.

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