Attack Weakness Teal

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In January of 2014, my story took a plot twist.  A day that started out like any at the track, left me paralyzed from the waist down, among several other injuries.  Little did I know at that time, my life would be completely turned upside down.  After 3 months in the hospital and rehab, I was finally able to return home.  During those 3 months, I had to relearn how to get dressed, move around in a wheelchair, relearn my body and how it works,  relearn how to drive and get in and out of the car.  Once I got home, life didn't get any easier.  My family had to move and remodel a house and life at home was a major adjustment for the entire family. 

Although the first year after my crash came at a huge learning curve, I am proud to say that by the grace of God and my faith in my path to recovery was guided by him.  I believed there was a larger purpose for my life and where it was to lead me.  I want my story to be one that reads of perspective and inspiration, regardless of where my recovery and physical condition would leave me. 

That is how I have ended up here today.  I've always had a competitive gene and once you have it you always have it.  That drive has led me to build a career in Adaptive CrossFit and competing on a global level.  My fitness has allowed my independence to soar, despite being in a wheelchair.  I can do so many things on my own and have been allowed to be apart of so many activities others wouldn't expect.  God has opened so many doors and despite the challenges I face on a daily basis, I have been able to show others that we can be so much more than the limits that are put on us. 

Bella Tri-Blend